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How to publish with us

Publishing Options

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education offers two publication routes for accepted articles:

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More details are available on our Open Access benefits page.

Fees and Funding

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This journal maintains a competing interest policy. Authors are required to disclose any financial or non-financial interests that could influence the interpretation of their research.

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Peer Review
All manuscripts undergo single-anonymous peer review to maintain academic rigor and fairness in the publication process.

Submission guidelines

Manuscript Submission

Submission Requirements

  • By submitting a manuscript, authors confirm:
    • The work has not been published before.
    • It is not under review elsewhere.
    • All co-authors and relevant authorities (institutional or otherwise) have approved the submission.
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Online Submission

  • Please use the “Submit manuscript” link on our website.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to upload all required files.

Source Files

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  • Manuscripts should be in common word processing formats (e.g., .docx) or LaTeX.
  • Articles without complete sets of editable source files cannot be processed.

Submitting Declarations

  • You must supply Author Contribution and Competing Interest statements when prompted by the online submission interface.
  • If you are both an editorial board member and a contributing author, declare this in the Competing Interest section.
  • Refer to the submission guidelines for further details on required statements.

Title Page

Make sure your title page includes:

  1. Title
    • Concise and informative.
  2. Author Information
    • Full name(s) of all author(s).
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  • Provide a 150–250 word abstract.
  • Avoid undefined abbreviations or references in the abstract.
  • For life science journals, include trial registration details as applicable.


  • Supply 4–6 keywords for indexing purposes.


Text Formatting

  • Submit manuscripts in Word (.docx or older .doc) or LaTeX (using Springer Nature’s template if possible).
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  • Define abbreviations at first mention and use them consistently thereafter.


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  • Do not include figures/tables or full bibliographic details in footnotes.
  • Footnotes to tables should use superscript lowercase letters or asterisks.


  • Place acknowledgments (e.g., for grants, funding, or assistance) in a separate section on the title page.
  • Write the full name of funding organizations.



  • Cite references using the author’s surname and year (e.g., “(Smith, 2020)”).
  • Examples:
    • Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson, 1990).
    • This result was later contradicted (Becker & Seligman, 1996).
    • Widely studied effect (Abbott, 1991; Barakat et al., 1995; Kelso & Smith, 1998; Medvec et al., 1999).

Reference List

  • Include only works cited in the text that are published or accepted for publication.
  • Alphabetize by the last name of the first author.
  • Italicize journal names and book titles.
  • Where available, include DOIs as full URLs.
  • Sample formats:
    • Journal article: Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000185
    • Book: Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

Statements & Declarations

Place these statements in a “Statements and Declarations” section after the References.


  • Disclose sources of financial support (e.g., grants and grant numbers).
  • Example: “This work was supported by [Funding Agency] (Grant number…); Author A.B. has received research support from Company X.”

Competing Interests

  • List any financial or non-financial interests relevant to the work.
  • Declare interests within the last three years, or beyond if they might influence the research.
  • Example: “The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.”

Author Contributions

  • Specify each author’s role (e.g., conception, data collection, writing, and review).
  • Example: “All authors contributed to the study design. Data collection and analysis were performed by [Name], [Name], and [Name]…”


  • Number tables using Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
  • Cite each table in the text in ascending order.
  • Provide a clear caption for each table.
  • Identify previously published material with a reference note.
  • Use superscript lowercase letters or asterisks for table footnotes.

Artwork and Illustrations Guidelines

Electronic Figure Submission

  • Submit all figures digitally.
  • For vector graphics, use EPS; for halftones, use TIFF. MS Office files are acceptable.
  • Embed fonts in vector graphics.
  • Name files “Fig1.eps,” “Fig2.tif,” etc.

Line Art

Figures and Artwork

Line Art

  • Definition: Black-and-white graphics with no shading.
  • Legibility: Use lines at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) thick; avoid faint lettering.
  • Resolution: Minimum of 1200 dpi for scanned or bitmap line drawings.
  • Vector Graphics: Embed fonts in EPS or similar vector files.

Halftone Art

  • Definition: Photographs or images with fine gradations (e.g., shading).
  • Scale Bars: Indicate magnification (if used) with scale bars directly on the image.
  • Resolution: Minimum of 300 dpi.

Combination Art

  • Definition: Contains both halftone and line art (e.g., color diagrams with text and shading).
  • Resolution: Minimum of 600 dpi.

Color Art

  • Free in Online Version: No extra charge for color images online.
  • Black-and-White Print: Ensure figures remain clear when converted to grayscale.
  • Color Formats: Submit as RGB (8 bits per channel).

Figure Lettering

  • Fonts: Use sans serif (Helvetica or Arial) at 2–3 mm (8–12 pt) for consistent sizing.
  • Minimize Variations: Keep type size changes within an illustration minimal.
  • No Titles Inside Figures: Titles and captions go in the manuscript text, not on the figures.

Figure Numbering

  • Arabic Numerals: Label figures in the order they appear (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).
  • Figure Parts: Denote subparts with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
  • Appendix Figures: Continue main numbering if in the same manuscript; label “Online Resource” separately if in supplementary files.

Figure Captions

  • Placement: Include captions in the manuscript text, not within the figure itself.
  • Format: Start with “Fig.” (in bold), then number (also bold), followed by the caption text.
  • References: Cite any previously published material.

Figure Placement and Size

  • Submission: Place figures within the manuscript or separately if file size is too large.
  • Sizing:
    • Large journals: 84 mm or 174 mm wide × max 234 mm high.
    • Small journals: 119 mm wide × max 195 mm high.


  • Responsibility: Authors must secure permission for figures previously published elsewhere.
  • Costs: Any permission fees are the author’s responsibility.


  • Descriptive Captions: Beneficial for screen readers.
  • Use Patterns: Distinguish information with more than just color to aid colorblind users.
  • Contrast Ratio: Ensure at least 4.5:1 for text and figure elements.

Generative AI Images

  • Policy Compliance: Follow Springer’s guidelines regarding AI-generated images.

Supplementary Information (SI)


  • File Formats: Supply standard multimedia (animations, audio, etc.) or data files.
  • Identification: Include article title, journal name, author names, and corresponding author’s contact info in each file.

Audio, Video, and Animations

  • Size: Up to 25 GB for high-resolution files; 5 GB for low resolution.
  • Aspect Ratio: Preferably 16:9 or 4:3.
  • Formats: Common types include .avi, .mp4, .mov, etc.

Text and Presentations

  • PDF Format: Recommended for long-term viability.
  • Combining Figures: You may merge multiple figures into a single PDF.


  • Preferred Formats: .csv or .xlsx to ensure accessibility and future-proofing.

Specialized Formats

  • Examples: .pdb, .wrl (VRML), .nb (Mathematica), .tex, etc.

Collecting Multiple Files

  • Zip Files: You may compress multiple items in .zip or .gz archives.

Numbering, Captions, and Processing

  • Citations: Refer to supplementary items in the text as “Online Resource X.”
  • Captions: Provide concise descriptions for each file.
  • No Reformatting: SI is published “as is.”


  • Captions: Include descriptive text in the main manuscript.
  • Flashing Content: Avoid more than three flashes per second in video to prevent seizure risk.

Generative AI Images

  • Policy: Adhere to Springer’s guidelines for AI-generated supplementary figures.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

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  • Originality: Submit only unpublished work not under review elsewhere.
  • Transparency: Provide clear attribution for all sources; secure permissions when needed.
  • Misconduct: COPE guidelines are followed if any misconduct arises.
  • Corrections/Retractions: Notify the journal if you find major errors after publication.

Fundamental Errors

  • Post-Publication: Contact the journal if significant errors are discovered to correct or retract as needed.

Suggesting/Excluding Reviewers

  • Recommendations Welcome: Provide names and institutional emails.
  • Exclusions: You may request certain reviewers be excluded with valid reasons.

Competing Interests

  • Disclosure: Declare any financial or non-financial interests related to the work (past 3 years or beyond if relevant).
  • Editorial Board: Board members or editors must also disclose competing interests.

Authorship Principles

  • Criteria: Significant contribution, drafting/revising, final approval, and accountability.
  • Corresponding Author: Oversees the submission and ensures all co-authors approve the final version.
  • Changes to Authors: Adjustments to authorship post-acceptance are generally not permitted.

Data Transparency

  • Data Availability: Provide access to underlying data when possible or explain why it cannot be shared.


  • Respect: Treat all communications with the journal (review reports, etc.) as confidential.

Research Data Policy and Data Availability

  • Encouraged Sharing: Archive research data in repositories for integrity and reusability.
  • Data Citation: Use persistent identifiers (DOI) for publicly available data.
  • Sensitive Data: Ensure ethical handling of any confidential or personal information.

After Acceptance

Article Publishing Agreement

  • Copyright or License: Depending on journal policy, you may sign an exclusive license or transfer copyright.


  • Ordering: Available to corresponding authors upon request.

Color Illustrations

  • Online: Free of charge for color images.
  • Print: Authors cover extra costs if color is desired in hard copy.


  • Accuracy: Check for minor errors; major content changes are not allowed without editor approval.

Online First

  • DOI Publication: Your article is officially published online and citable by its DOI before appearing in print.

Open Choice

  • Open Access Option: Publish open access in Springer’s hybrid journals for broader visibility.
  • Advantages: Immediate access, higher citation potential, easy compliance with funder mandates.
  • Costs: Article Processing Charges (APCs) vary by journal; funding support may be available.