Author Guidelines

Before you Begin:

For queries regarding the status of your manuscript before a decision is made, please contact the Editor-in-Chief or Journal Editorial Office. For queries post-acceptance, please contact the Production Team. These details can be found in the Editorial Team section of our website.

Author Responsibilities

At Australian Journal of Artificial Intelligence Review, we aim to provide a professional and transparent peer review and publication experience. As an author, you are expected to:

  • Respond promptly to any queries during the submission and publication process.
  • Ensure accuracy and integrity in your research and take responsibility for all aspects of your manuscript.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding communications between you and the journal editor until an editorial decision is made.
  • Adhere to research ethics in authorship, ensuring that:
  • All individuals who have significantly contributed to the research are included as authors.
  • Those who have not contributed or have opted out are excluded from authorship.
  • AI and Large Language Models (LLMs):
  • AI tools cannot be credited as authors.
  • The use of AI tools must be disclosed, including details on how they were used and which version was employed.
  • AI-generated content must not replace the authors’ conceptual contributions, originality and accountability.
  • Standard tools for grammar and spelling correction are permissible.

If your research involves human participants, ensure that ethical approval has been obtained and that this information is provided in your submission.

Generative AI Usage – Key Principles

  • AI-generated content is not permitted for research articles, abstracts or literature reviews.
  • AI tools cannot generate or report results due to concerns over data authenticity and integrity.
  • AI-generated statistical reporting is not permissible. However, AI tools may be used for data analysis, provided that the author remains accountable.
  • AI-assisted language editing is allowed, as long as the original work is authored by the researchers.
  • AI-generated images and figures are not permitted for publication.

Manuscript Requirements


  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format.
  • A PDF version may be uploaded alongside the Word file, but not as a standalone submission.
  • LaTeX submissions are accepted only if accompanied by a PDF version.

Article Length

  • Manuscripts should be between 5,000 – 7,000 words, including:
  • Structured abstract
  • References
  • Text in tables and figures
  • Appendices
  • Each figure or table should be estimated at 250 words when considering the total word count.

Article Title

  • The title should be concise and reflect the core topic of the research.

Author Details

  • All contributing authors must be listed in the submission system in the order of publication preference.
  • Each author must provide:
  • Institutional email address
  • Full name (including middle names and initials as desired)
  • Institutional affiliation (affiliation at the time of research)
  • Acknowledgements:
  • Contributors who did not meet authorship criteria should be listed in the acknowledgements section.
  • Ghost authorship is strictly prohibited.

Biographies and Acknowledgements

  • A brief biography (max 100 words) for each author can be uploaded as a separate Word document.

Research Funding

  • All sources of external funding must be declared in the acknowledgements section, including the funder’s role in the research process.

Structured Abstract

All submissions must include a structured abstract of up to 250 words, formatted as follows:

Mandatory Subheadings:

  1. Purpose
  2. Design/methodology/approach
  3. Findings
  4. Originality/value

Optional Subheadings (if applicable):

  • Research limitations/implications
  • Practical implications
  • Social implications


  • Up to 12 keywords should be provided.
  • The editorial team may adjust keywords for consistency and visibility.

Article Classification

Authors must select an article type from the following:

  • Research Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Insights from Industry
  • Doctoral Thesis Papers

Each submission should also be categorised under one of the following:

  • Research Paper – Empirical, theoretical or methodological research.
  • Viewpoint – Opinion-based or interpretative work.
  • Technical Paper – Describes and evaluates technologies or methodologies.
  • Conceptual Paper – Explores theories, frameworks or philosophical discussions.
  • Case Study – Analysis of real-world scenarios or experiences.

•  Literature Review – Systematic or critical review of existing literature.

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