Ethics and Disclosures

We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all published content.

Competing Interests
This journal maintains a competing interest policy. Authors are required to disclose any financial or non-financial interests that could influence the interpretation of their research.

Compliance with Research Standards
All submissions must adhere to relevant international, national, and institutional guidelines—particularly for studies involving human or animal subjects, their data, or biological materials.

Membership and Principles
As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), we follow COPE’s principles for dealing with allegations of misconduct. This includes thoroughly investigating concerns to ensure the integrity of published research.

Plagiarism Detection
Submissions may be screened using plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is detected, we will follow COPE’s plagiarism guidelines.

Peer Review
All manuscripts undergo single-anonymous peer review to maintain academic rigor and fairness in the publication process.

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